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When I play this game by browsing the mini game I can play on Android is memory card and it's frustrating like really mad the other mini game is maze it requires a keyboard to play it which I only have Android. So skip gameplay, instant skip gameplay should be nice and I got no ending at all, 1 reason on memory is she's too darn smart. Forgive my frustration and all, so can you make a new game for Android, it has to be touch-screen worthy and easy enough for everyone, not rock paper scissors nor memory either you know how quick frustrations in some people like me can trigger at any time ether soon or way sooner, something all about taking action instead of testing brains. Just imagine in a battle against a dangerous opponent is too aware or too smart to be persuade or sneak attack him, himecut what you will do on this situation? 1 try talk your way out of this or 2 take action and fight.

In the description i see about skipping gameplay? Is that the games? And if so how? Im stuck


hello it is i, the Hgame Critic, great job on this game, super fun to play, and good concept, i don't have many thoughts besides it's good for a first timer, please continue to make games, cause i promise you i will play them. solid 7/10 for a first timer


how do you get the last ending?


Great Game, I was able to drown her in the white sticky! 10/10 

how to get last 2?

(and android will be good)


Which ones you got so far

first 2


I mean specific details of the endings, like the police ending or a circle jerk ending? I'm guessing you didn't get the circle jerk nor the mother ending. How to get the Circle Jerk Ending is that you have to get both bars at around 70 - 80 I think to get it. The Mother ending is a secret ending consisting of getting all three normal endings, there will be secret numbers when you go to the endings at the gallery. The officer ending on the road, the other two on the sign where the hot lady is. You could go to the description of the game and see the spoiler yourself.


how do i get the third ending?

Run out of time with no stats up high, but still have like around 50 - 75% Left. Try this because thats how I got the third one


thank you, this helped a ton!



Android version pls!!

This game is really Cool,and I got lots of fun from iti think I almost spent 1.5hours on this game and managed to get two endings loll,the background and some details are kinda intriguing too,I mean who won't love this game hahaha.andddd I'm not lame!I m sorry for using skip game but that's only because I wanna shorten some gameplay time QAQ,I admit cheating is lame but using built-in cheating system isn't lame lolll,wellll...whatever I said I just recommend this game,pretty fancy and highly promising,I will follow u and pay attention to ur future games AHHHHHH

(1 edit)

i wish there was more. this is actually fun

and also i wish i could listen to ending 4 and 2's music without being on the game


Composer just made youtube channel
It's scuffed atm, but he's working on it :^)

Deleted post

It should be the same


if you just pet her all the way till the timer go to zero. you get a hidden ending... she say oh there you are or something and then she say something like oh you were just waiting for me. don't ask why I beat her 25 time... btw she doesn't get faster if her lust 0... 

Same thing if you lose all the games


omg I didn't have have to beat the games...


Android version never?


Android download please, I've been waiting for 4 months ;-;

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)


There is an exploit for this so you can win easily in website version.

first you have to choose the game ( if u are on mobile just go for memory ).

Once the game started don't move a single card and press the double rectangle thingy on bottom right.

press ✓ and then you will be back at the menu screen.

Finally press the floppy disk 💾 button and you are greeted with victory each time.

( Haven't tried the no gameplay button so this might be a waste of time, I am using android for this on a browser)

What's the double rectangle thingy that you say is it? 

At the bottom right corner


Who can make a walkthrough to getting third ending? Pls


don't do anything don't fill the bar up neither and have the timer run out like recommend to the have the bars at least half wa

I still don't get it. Should I fill it in half or not at all?

get her lust to like 80 or 90 whenever the last dialogue is about people watching, then just waste time like losing the mini game.




i love this game and got the main three endings naturally but the secret ending confused me i got it using the guide but how and why it was that combiniation i still do not know


Can this game get android version?


You can play it on the browser on android 

Ye, i already complete this game. But thx


this game is unfair?

(1 edit)


someone know how to get the third ending?


If you've gotten the endings where you fill one of the bars, I think it's either full both. Or don't fill any bars till you've used up all the turns. I'm unsure though because I haven't played in awhile.

I tried both methods and even with both bars more than 75% and still I couldn't get the end

Well... I forgot to edit my previous post but, the way to get the 3rd ending is to fill neither bar, and reach -1 time left.

Your games are very fun. But I don't understand why I had to choose that option to get the 4th ending.

Because the lust meter adds up to 69.

pretty good game actually


It´s a good game i will say that but please make it easier because the second game is based entirely on luck and it´s like the ai on the harder levels gives you 3 4 chances before fucking you up the games are just way to diffcult if you ask me and listen im not playing for the world cup im just trying to have a good time

(1 edit) (+1)

Well there is a work around for that. You can find 2 buttons while playing. One is win, and the other is lose. I forgot if you need to get an ending first and enable it in settings, for that how I discovered it. 

Edit: I was right. There is the "No gameplay button". Just get to the hard minigames then you get it.


Can someone help me with the 4 things im missing? I already got all the endings its just these 4 im missing 

Deleted 202 days ago

the steps to get the secret ending is in the description of the game somewhere you just need to click on it

Deleted 202 days ago


Deleted post

I love the concept, but the minigames are kinda borked. The maze starts out trivially easy, almost impossible to lose, until she abruptly decides to stop messing around and it becomes completely impossible to win. The concentration game always gives you a random chance of sweeping the board in your first move, but when her turn comes she either chooses in a completely random, brain dead manner, or she magically knows where every single card is and just gets to declare herself the winner.

If she kept track of every card which had been revealed and always made optimal plays, that would still be better than any human but would give you a fair chance. Instead she just openly cheats, unless she wants to let you win.


Android I beg!!!!!!!


We need a Android version!


When i have less than 15 actions, the games started to being impossible to win. Rework the formula for complicating games please. I love the idea of this game. And i hope that you'll make more games in this style. Your pixel arts and animations are great!


im stuck, she says something and i cant click.. no buttons or something.. what im doing wrong?


How do you unlock the no gameplay mode?


You don't unlock it, it was always a free option


When I try to click it it just says "Will become available when things get too hard"

game gud :)

After gaining some lust If you try to pat her head and after that try to talk with her (frist dialog) all buttons dissapear and you get stuck there in game 


Android soon please, I've played it on PC once but can't anymore.


I also want




Yes please

(1 edit) (+11)(-1)

her ai is so hard to beat near the end on memory she ends up clearing the board in one to two moves also more than once shes copied my move taking cards i just matched makeing them reapear and go to her 

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